What is Transgenerational Healing?
Trans-Generational Healing is a blend of psychotherapeutic process, Energy work and Soul work that has been proven to alleviate many difficulties and challenges that have their roots in ancestral baggage and intergenerational trauma.
The concept works on the understanding that just as an individual soul journeys through the earth dimension gathering experience, learning and growing, there is a collective consciousness or a ‘family soul’ which operates as an entity and goes through its own journey. How does this family soul journey affect our own personal experience is the focus of this workshop.
A large part of the emotions and disruptive life patterns we could be dealing with originate from our family system rather than from direct personal experience alone. For example, a heavy burden of guilt, pain and trauma that is carried by the entire family Soul and gets passed down from one generation to the next when the concerned issues have not been dealt with and resolved by the people concerned. Furthermore, complex issues of hidden loyalties to the wrongs afflicted by or onto our ancestors can cause us to hold on to experiences of pain and trauma which in fact do not belong to us at all.
This workshop pertains to healing these types of family-karma and inter-generational trauma, the karmic baggage that might have been passed on to us by virtue of being born into our family. Through the healing process, we are able to identify and resolve those issues, healing as a result all blockages arising out of them which could be constricting the stream of life force energy that comes from the family into our life to help us create health, wealth and joy for ourselves.
Significant events that have impact on a family system and could be healed through Transgenerational Healing include:
- The early death of parents or grandparents
- Miscarriages, stillbirths and abortions
- Murders, tragic and accidental deaths
- Sudden loss of partner/spouse
- Adoptions
- Broken engagements and divorce
- War experiences
- Victims and perpetrators of crime and injustice
- Family secrets
- Individuals who have been forced out of a family or disowned
Trans-generational healing is conducted by a unique method wherein a healing space is created, also known as the domain of Consciousness. During the healing sessions, a participant will be invited to set up his/her Family Constellation within that healing space. Thereafter the energy entanglements between that person and the members of his/her family, including their ancestors, which are at the root of the issue under consideration, will be identified. Healing will involve the disentanglement of the energy chords and liberation from their pain and trauma.
Is Transgenerational Healing for me?
- If you had significant experiences in your family as mentioned in the description above
- If you are aware of certain patterns of illnesses or occurrences that are found to be repeating within the family system
- If you are experiencing chronic illness, nagging health issues, or persistent setbacks, emotional or financial, in your personal life
- If you have tried everything to heal a certain aspect of your being to no avail
Modes of Participation
Participation with Full Healing Constellation
Attendance: 3 Full Days
Energy Exchange: AED 2000
If you are looking to heal intergenerational trauma and wounding or explore the inherted energies that could be playing out in your life and causing difficulty, you can register for one of the 12 available full constellation sessions that will be taking place over the 3 days. During your session, Usha, with the help of the other participants in the group, will open up you family system and explore up to 7 generations back to identify and resolve the block in the flow of life force (love) that could be manifesting in intensified challenges in your life right now.
For the remaining duration of this workshop, you are expected to be fully present and available to participate in the 11 other sessions to reciprocate the energy, while continuing to learn experientially about family dynamics and healing. You will also be given guidance on how to ensure the healing that took place during your constellation manifests smoothly through your own personal practice from then forward.
To sign up for your own constellation, register through the “Reserve your Spot” link that appears at the bottom of this page and submit your registration form, and our team will get back to you confirming availability and with next steps to finalize your registration.
Participation without Constellation
Attendance: As per your preference, but Day 1 is mandatory for new joiners who are not familiar with the process.
Energy Exchange: AED 400 per day – AED 1000 for ALL 3 days
If you looking only to learn and understand the concepts of Transgenerational healing and how to include them as a part of your daily practice, you may still join the workshop without signing up for your own family constellation.
By doing so, you will learn by witnessing and experiencing first hand very important healing concepts such as:
- Energy dynamics in family systems and in life in general
- What is healing and how it happens
- What is one’s role in healing oneself and what needs to be healed
- Types of inter-generational wounds and how to address them
- How to take responsibility to reduce the transference of wounds from personal life to the family system
To sign up as a participant without a constellation, please email us at info@mischkat.com with subject title “TGH WO Constellation”, indicating your preferred dates, and we will get back to you with availability and registration finalization steps.

Renowned facilitator of Transgenerational Healing workshops in India, GCC, Lebanon, Europe and USA, trained by John Payne since 2005.

A beautiful space that is serine, quiet, spacious, giving the feeling of outdoor, and filled with healing vibes.
June 2-4, 2023
9:00 am – 7:00 pm
Energy Exchange: AED 2000 for Constellation
For participation without constellation: AED 400 per day / AED 1000 for all 3 days