Creating A Coaching Culture

Creating A Coaching Culture

An end-to-end solution that helps the organizations create a culture of coaching to move away from traditional management and leadership approaches that tend to leave the best of human potential untapped, and most of the human factor challenges unaddressed.


The workforce challenge faced by corporations and governments today is no longer one of structures, processes and infrastructures, but rather one related to the human element: how does the organization ensure that employees at all levels unleash their full potential and bring out their entire person on the job? How to ensure that they engage productively and constructively, with one another and as part of groups and work teams, to move smoothly towards organizational objectives?


To address this need, “Creating a Coaching Culture” is offered as a training program that takes key staff members in the organization on a journey of learning how to think, act and talk like coaches within themselves and with others around them. The aim is to move key staff at the organization from a stage of dependency to a stage of independency, and eventually towards interdependency. The entire system is trained using and inside-out approach to engage positively, minimizing human friction while maximizing synergy.


Throughout the program, members are not only trained, but also supported and coached by internationally certified coaching trainers, so that they master key communication and human interaction skills needed to achieve the program’s aim.


Program Structure:


The program is structured around accelerated learning techniques, to ensure that program length and content enables the candidates to maximize their learning from the effort allocated.


  Coaching Skills Training Anchoring & follow-up Advanced Coach training 1-1 Sessions
Duration 3-Day Module 1 Day get together, one month later 3 Day Module A minimum of 6 coaching sessions over 6-8 months
Description Coaching training on the key coaching competencies as per the ICF standard (selected fundamental skills) Discussion and feedback on the application of the first module.


Shortlisting of the group that will continue in the program

Advanced coaching training to 10% of the initial trainees, preparing them for the 4th module of deep inner work. Coaching/Mentoring sessions to identify areas of development for each member, and coach them on how to use a coach approach to deal with their issues and challenges while being a positive influence on those around them (360 degree assessment of their reality in the organization).
# Participants 25 people 25 people 6-8 people 6-8 people


Who should attend it?


  • Team leaders
  • Mid-level management
  • Top-Level Leaders who face a challenge motivating department and program heads
  • Top Level executives who deal with complex transactional multiparty high-stakes transactions and communications.


Program Anticipated Outcomes


  • Higher levels of positive engagement
  • Smoother conflict resolution
  • Higher levels of motivation and productivity
  • Improvement in emotional and psychological balance
  • Enhanced ability to cope with change and uncertainty
  • Managers and Team leaders who have a better understanding of themselves, and enhanced skills (interpersonal effectiveness, listening, constructive feedback, communication)


Training Tools:


  • Surveys and questionnaires to determine the status quo at first, and measure the shift throughout
  • Group discussions and debriefs
  • Individual and team exercises
  • Role Plays (Theatre learning style)
  • One-to-One sessions
  • Training Videos
  • Printed materials and readings