One-on-One Coaching

One-on-One Coaching

In today’s uncertain and rapidly changing world, talents at the workplace, whether leaders or team members, may be best qualified for the job at hand, yet find it difficult to bring their full potential on the job. Such potential is often diluted by spending personal energy dealing with difficult events or people, which can be a highly inefficient process if the individual is not emotionally equipped to remain focused and centered.


Therefore, at Mischkat, we offer one-on-one coaching engagements by internationally certified coaches, to help key or selected members of organizational staff who are looking to better respond to work challenges. The aim is to hand-hold participants until they are able to bring about their full “person” on the job, beyond their mere skills and qualifications, ensuring their positive impact on the workplace.


Expected Outcomes:


  • Developing or enhancing leadership skills across various organizational levels
  • Enabling collaboration and cooperation
  • Enhance interpersonal communication to build trust
  • Enhancing problem solving and conflict resolution skills
  • Supporting staff who are dealing with considerable change
  • Enabling the individual to have an objective view about his/her situation (team, organization, personal role, etc) and providing support during self-correction