Business/Organization Constellation

Business/Organization Constellation

Business constellation is an organizational diagnostic tool that has been around for decades, but that is finding its way to the region only now. It can aid organizations reveal the hidden dynamics in key areas of the organization that could be impacting its success and performance.

At Mischkat, business constellation is delivered as a 2-day exercise through which all the factors and stakeholders influencing the business or institution are mapped in a diagnostic space (e.g. founders, successors, certain teams, certain departments or even specific individuals, banks, suppliers, end users, etc). Each is represented or rather role played by individuals, to reveal the hidden dynamics caused by the interplay of the vibes of the respective intended factors or stakeholder.

This process gives an idea about the nature of undercurrents involved in the business or the entity, how they impact each other, and what shifts and changes need to be made in the existing structure/order/ hierarchy so that the business can achieve the desired outcome. It would be then left with the client to execute the recommendations that emerge from this process. Mischkat also offers organization development consultancy as an option for clients who wish to receive not only the diagnosis but also a strategic plan of action formulated by organization development experts in light of the diagnosis.

The advantage over regular business consultancy is that this process works with an inside-outside approach which is the bottom line for all sustainable change. This process complements other conventional organization-development plans and strategies by giving the client the additional perspective of invisible dynamics that could either bolster or derail the conventional interventions.


Expected Benefits


The process offers the client the opportunity to look “behind the scenes” or “under the surface” and understand the undercurrents that are at play. The real advantage is that we are able to see the patterns at the energetic level, and check what needs to be moved around and how so that all energies involved are aligned and represent the best possible scenario for the business.

Inputs from this process will enable the client to make real time shifts and changes in their existing structure in all spheres of the business.

Mischkat also offers Organization Development consultancy as an optional component.  Cooperating with internationally certified business coaches and organization development experts, the client has the option to benefit from organizational constellation as an end-to-end solution to the challenge presented to the organization.


Who should use it?


  • Senior management who would like to explore the dynamics in their teams and departments to improve synergy and performance
  • Any member of a business or an organization whose role involves matters as stated in the previous section (Vice Presidents, Executive Directors, Department Heads, Campaign and Project Managers, Stakeholder Relationship Managers, Supply Chain Managers, etc)
  • Business owners who are experiencing a block or stagnation in their business despite all their efforts
  • Entrepreneurs who are planning to start a business, to understand the market dynamics that would be surrounding their business as well as the internal ones (i.e. the entrepreneur’s mental and emotional blocks, personal or inherited, that could be standing in the way of his/her own success)
  • Coaches or Consulting companies, for strategy formulation or for handling difficult clients. The process will shed light on the source of the block and can be used to experiment with multiple scenarios to better serve the client.


Practical Uses for Business/Organizational Constellations:


Defining or introducing amendments to the organizational strategy to deal with various situations including:

  • Conflict resolution within the organization
  • Change management
  • Adoption of innovation and the resulting organization culture change
  • Verifying the consistency of the organizational structure
  • Preparing negotiations
  • Mega Projects management (the ones that involve multiple execution entities and complex dependencies)
  • Supporting strategic decision-making in all the business areas
  • Preparing for restructuring or integration after restructuring
  • Integration after merging or acquiring an organization, company or business
  • Project assessments or creating a new company
  • Company operational diagnosis
  • Clarifying the client’s own place in the organization / company
  • Seeing the systemic “interactive” effects in different company departments
  • Testing the efficiency of important steps or changes in an organisation
  • Trying different possibilities, “a test run”: “Should I do this, or that, or perhaps something else?
  • Supplying additional forms of analysing complex entanglements of business, about family issues in family companies and/or to find ways and solutions of handing business to the next generation
  • Assessment and determination of most appropriate leadership styles


Program Structure


We are offering business constellation in two sessions over two days:

  • Session One: Trans-generational Family Constellation Therapy with business as the theme
  • Session Two: Business constellation