Self-Mastery Project 1 India – Application Form

Self-Mastery Project 1 India – Application Form

Welcome to the application space for the Usha's Self-Mastery Project I - 2022. 

We salute you for making the decision to apply to our program. You are one step closer to your more authentic and fully empowered self that this program promises to put you in touch with. 

Admission the Self-Mastery Project 1 will be based on completion of the below application form, followed by a potential interview by a Self-Mastery staff member to ensure a good fit between your personal goals and the nature and deliverables of this deeply transformative program. This screening process is necessary to ensure that the final group of participants are equally invested and committed to traveling the path of transformation together, holding space as a group for the profound healing that is intended to unfold through the process. It is necessary to grant you the best experience possible. 

Spaces are limited, and admission is granted based on the sole discretion of the self-mastery management team. Therefore, please answer as honestly and from the heart as possible to help us determine if this program is a good fit for your needs. 

Upon submitting this application, you will receive a confirmation, after which you will hear back from us within 48 hours, informing you of the results and setting interview appointments if needed. Best of Luck.


E-mail: (Please provide accurate email address without spaces at the end)*
Mobile no. (Primary):*
Mobile no. 2
Country of residence:*
Current Occupation
Birth date*
Emergency Contact (Full Name)
Contact Mobile No.


What is your involvement in the realm of inner work and personal exploration - Max 200 words *
Are you currently participating or have you previously participated in or received certification from other programs in the field of psychology, counseling, ministry, coaching, healing and related fields? Please share with us the name and description of the program - Max 200 words*
What are your overall goals from joining the Self-Mastery Project 1 with Usha? - Max 200 words*
This program will be conducted partially online via videoconferencing. Are you able and willing to acquire and use the technical equipment and knowledge to participate in the online portion of this program?*
Do you have any physical challenges, previous injuries, illnesses, or disabilities (physical or mental) that we should be aware of? If so, please provide a brief about your condition and any medication you are on for it. *


How did you hear about the Self-Mastery Project 1?*
I have read and understood the eligibility criteria for joining the Self-Mastery Project 1, and I acknowledge that I meet these criteria to the best of my assessment.*
I am submitting this form willingly as I understand the requirements of this program, financially and otherwise.*
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