ThetaHealing® Basic DNA in Arabic

About the Seminar:


The ThetaHealing® Basic DNA seminar is the first seminar in the ThetaHealing® modality, and the prerequisite to all remaining classes.


It focuses on acquainting students with the basics of the ThetaHealing technique as they learn how to meditate to take their brain into a theta brain wave through which life patterns can be changed, whether they are originating from the core, genetic, historic, or soul levels of their being.


In this seminar, students will experience the energy of unconditional love, i.e. the energy of creation. They will learn why certain things are created in their lives, and how to change them by becoming aware of what they are learning from them. They will be introduced to the concept of manifestation, and go through a number of exercises that will open their minds to understand the nature of our reality and the interconnectedness of all things and planes with the Energy of the Creator.


In addition, the 12 DNA strands will be activated for students, including the Youth and Vitality Chromosome. They will learn how to conduct a digging session to identify and change beliefs on themselves and others. The students will also be introduced to the technique of instilling positive feelings quickly and effectively into their being.


At Mischkat, this seminar is taught in Arabic language by the Certificate of Science Instructor who was approved by THInK to translate the manual to Arabic.


Outcomes & Deliverables:


This class will graduate you as a ThetaHealing Practitioner.


You will receive a certificate from the ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge, Owned by Vianna Stibal, Founder of the ThetaHealing Modality.


You will also receive the Basic  ThetaHealing® Manual in Arabic. You will also receive the Basic ThetaHealing® Book in English if you are an English speaker. If you speak only Arabic, there is no Arabic version of the book at the moment.


Upon completion of this seminar along with the Advanced DNA seminar, you will have the base of knowledge and tools with which you can start your journey as a ThetaHealer.




Included in this course is coffee, tea, healthy snacks, nuts, and fruits for two breaks.

Lunch can be ordered separately by the students and delivered to the venue.




A 3-Day Seminar



Certificate of Science in ThetaHealing Instructor and approved translator of TH Basic DNA and TH Advanced DNA manuals into Arabic.

Full Profile


3:00 - 10:00 pm
Energy Exchange: AED 1850

Early bird AED 1700 before Oct 1st, 2017
