Dream Group Series – Evaluation Form

Dream Group Series – Evaluation Form

Welcome to the feedback page of Nour's Dream Group Series

We care to hear from you about your experience in your most recent dream group experience. We take your feedback to heart as we carry on with our intention of offering transformative work that serves and heals. 

1. How do you rate your overall satisfaction with your experience in this dream series? *
2. Has this dream group taken you where you wanted to go? How? What were the most significant takeaways?*
3. What did you like most about this dream series? (include the ways in which the group influenced you positively if any)*
4. What did you like least about this dream series? (if the group has influenced you negatively, you may share that here)*
5. How did you find the group leader's delivery style?*
6. How can we improve this series in the future?*
7. Is it OK for you if we used quotes from your answers to generate a testimonial about this series to share it on our online platforms?*
8. Would you recommend future series like this one to your friends?*
9. Are you interested in joining future dream group series?*
10. If you answered "Yes" to question 9, please let us know what days and timings work for you for this type of work? We will do our best to keep your preference in mind as we plan our future series.