@Cafe Mischkat Registration Form

@Cafe Mischkat Registration Form

Welcome to Usha's Satsang Weekly Meetup @Mischkat Cafe.

This space is now open for reflections and discussions with Usha to happen heart to heart on a regular basis so that we can hold the space for one another, as a community, as we rise and grow through the challenges of our times. 

Please fill in the form below to register and receive the Zoom invitation.

Questions that you'd like to be discussed during our meetups
Requests for healing that the group can meditate collectively and hold the intention for in the upcoming meetups

To stay updated about our future programs and content, please follow our social media accounts and subscribe to our YouTube Channel:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/mischkat

Instagram: www.instagram.com/mischkat_healing

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl74DshiVHGD2Kq-Pt1tcaw